To provide psychological support and psychoeducation to clients of all levels to optimize their effectiveness and achieve their goals
Your psychologist
Dr. Rodger Broomé, Ph.D.
Performance and Forensic Psychologist/Psychotherapist
I'm a lifelong athlete, music performer, and public safety professional (retired). Dealing with high-pressure situations requiring psychomotor effectiveness is my specialty.
I can help you with training, competition preparation, personal and career development, and health & wellness. I have 18 years of experience in first-responder critical incident stress debriefing/defusing/decompression/demobilization and organizational leadership. I have been a training officer and instructor in higher education for 14 years.
I have published numerous articles on public safety psychology, leadership, and organizational psychology.
Mental Toughness is a way of being that can be learned and practiced.
Ph.D. Psychology, Clinical Spec. - Saybrook University
M.A. Psychology - Saybrook University